To Thine Own Self Be True

Take the mask off on top. Heal the trauma and scars underneath that are preventing from being open and you.

Allow your true personality to shine and come out. Feel deeply settled in yourself, who you are, comfortable in your skin.

When did you lose yourself and start living for others?

Where in life did others' opinions start mattering more than your own?

What day did you start dampening your feelings and desires in favor of those around you?

It's time you say fuck that.

Seriously. Fuck living through other people's eyes and letting your own spirit die.

Social anxiety and all that garbage - it's time you put it in the wastebasket where it belongs.

It's time you stop suffocating your own dreams and desires and what internally you feel like doing - how you want to live - where you see your life going -

And it's time you get back to your own authentic voice and choice.

Are you ready?

Achieve Your Dream Life - Or Die Trying

When did you lose yourself? When did your life become a burden? When did being around others become a dread and something that made you shrink?

It's time to find yourself and take back your life. Shrug off this backpack. Get yourself back to where living feels good, connecting with people makes you come alive.

Some say it's not possible. Once you have social anxiety you're stuck with it. Other than learning to cope better with it, you must live with it.

"It's a life sentence."

You know what I say to this?

Bullshit. You don't have to live with social anxiety forever. Being around people isn't something you must always fear. It's completely possible to become unfrozen, feel comfortable in your skin again.

Is it easy? No.

Is it doable? Yes.

It just requires a different way the the usual path. Instead of the "bulldozer" approach of trying to use brute force to beat down your fears, desensitize yourself, throw yourself at it over and over until the fear starts to subside...

A smarter approach of addressing the root cause and deeper issues that are driving you to be this way around people. Peeling back the layers of what's really going on inside you so you can transform your life all the way through...

Completely overcome social anxiety and move on with your life.

My Name Is Ben Brewer

My first foray to try and fix my life was a complete failure. All my energies and efforts were focused on trying to procure the image of someone who had his life together - the appearance of a socially normal, confident, and well-adusted person. For so long I had been deprived of any kind of social communion and connection that I didn't care - I just wanted to fit in and seem normal and like I knew what I was doing. Because, I thought, if I could just reach that place then things would slowly work themselves out. If I could fake it then eventually after enough time I would make it.

This strategy, unfortunately, failed and massively backfired on me. Because what I found 4 years into working on my life is that... not much had changed at all. Besides an improved ability to fake it and put on a happy face/display of confidence, I was still the same insecure person inside. Anxious. Dying whenever I went around people. Putting forth so much energy into keeping this mask on and hiding how I really felt.

It didn't work. The mask wasn't me. And meanwhile I was starving inside for real connection and to let out who I really was. For so long I had been at war in myself. I had been doing everything to contrive the appearance. But I was starved in substance.

All throughout my teenage and twenties I lived in fear. I lost out on so many opportunities because I was terrified of rejection and what others would think.

Finally at age of 27 I broke down. I'd been working on my social anxiety and insecurities for the last four years - trying every strategy in the book to fix my problems - but I still found it a major issue: Avoiding relationships and deeper connections (platonically and romantically) with people because of paralyzing fear.

That's when I concluded I was broken - intrinsically defective and incapable letting down my guards and being vulnerable with others.

If everything I'd done hadn't fixed my problems and helped me to open up... then clearly there was something busted, something in me that couldn't be repaired.

After seriously considering ending my life - I couldn't stand the torture anymore of living in this prison of regret and lost potential, being like this forever - I was lucky enough to hit on a deeper solution to my problems.

And it was then I learned: 

I wasn't broken. I was only wounded - and those wounds inside me with the right kind of attention could be healed and mended.

That was my discovery. The lightning-bolt epiphany that completely changed the trajectory of my whole life. 

Helped me to finally open up and feel comfortable in my skin.

Allowed me to connect authentically and be my true self with others.

Changed my life profoundly and I believe it can change yours too - if you want it it's here and available for the taking.

Download this free guide to gain an understanding of how to accomplish it as quickly as possible and stop letting life get away from you.