Fastest Way Past Social Anxiety

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Welcome to instinctual introvert

Real world strategies to be your confident self in life

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How I Cured My Severe Social Anxiety

A deeper solution to my social anxiety. Resolving old feelings that were subconsciously affecting my view of others. Feeling safe in my body and...
by Ben Brewer

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Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon

Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon

Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon

picture of ben brewer
My Story

I'm Ben Brewer

All I wanted was to be normal. After being socially awkward all my teens I just wanted to be a regular person. Fit in. Feel like I belonged. Do basic stuff like make a phone call or order food at a restaurant without panicking. Sadly it'd take the better part of my twenties to find answers. Real ones. Not "bandaid solutions" to cover it up. Instinctual Introvert is how I implemented strategies to become truly confident.
The Framework I Used

Essential knowledge for introverts

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